Como veis contar, cumplió su palabra y me transformo, en algo diferente.
Ya no seré ni la señora de la casa, ni la cocinera, ni siquiera, el personaje de una casa
Hi I'm Mari, another time.
As you can see count, kept his word and I transform into something different.
I will not be nor the lady of the house or cook, or even the character of a house
Como veis ya estoy vestida, con un camisón y una bata.
As you can see count, kept his word and I transform into something different.
I will not be nor the lady of the house or cook, or even the character of a house
Y tengo un precioso traje de novia, todo hecho por su mujer.
As you see I'm dressed in a nightgown and bathrobe.
And I have a beautiful wedding dress, all made by his wife.
And I have a beautiful wedding dress, all made by his wife.
And the truth is that I am part of one of their wedding, which as you know have this year, I will travel to Castellon in particular, with the pins that are in flower, in fact I'll be there by now.
Estoy muy contenta porque en la casa que voy, me pondrán en un lugar principal de una gran vitrina que tienen en el salón, y me verán todos los que entren en la casa, no es genial.
The pedestal on which is painted and varnished will be ten times to count, the chair where I feel I know some, it also is one of his works.
I am very happy because at home I go, I put in a home with a large glass case in the living room and I see everyone who comes into the house, not great.
Bueno que pensáis de mi por venir, a mi me gusta.
I am very happy because at home I go, I put in a home with a large glass case in the living room and I see everyone who comes into the house, not great.
Well you think of my coming, I like.