Desde que me toco el sorteo de Eva http://casitaderegaliz.blogspot.com/ , quería tener sus cosas en un lugar especial, después recibí el intercambio con Tonigago, http://tonigagominis.blogspot.com/ , y tome un par de cosas que me gustaban, así como algunas mías, y compuse este pequeño rincón
Hello, since I play the lottery http://casitaderegaliz.blogspot.com/ Eva wanted to have their stuff in a special place, after the exchange with Tonigago received,http://tonigagominis.blogspot.com/ and take a couple of things I liked and someof mine and I wrote this little corner
Al marco redondo de Tonigago, le puse un espejo, y la palmatoria con la vela queda perfecta sobre el mueble de Eva, la silla la maleta y el osito son hechos por mi especialmente para esta pequeña escena
Tonigago round the frame, I put a mirror, and the candlestick with the candle isperfect on Eva furniture, chair bag and teddy are made by me especially for thislittle scene
I also did the picture of the book falleras boxes, magazine, and as housespeaker, I think they are the ideal complement to the wonderful furniture Eve.
do you think??
do you think??