Hola, I know a person who told me this history:
Sobre una vieja silla, en un rincón del dormitorio, junto a un ajado tocador, que recordaba las viejas historia, de la que fue, en su tiempo una vicetiple de una famosa revista.
Descansaban unas bolsas de tiendas de lujo, como si acabase de venir de ellas con sus ricos contenidos.
On an old chair, in a corner of the bedroom, close to a worn dressing-table, which was reminding the old women history, of which it was, in his time a vicetiple of a famous magazine.
They were resting a few bags of shops of luxury, as if it has just come from them with his rich contents.
Ella no era consciente del deterioro y el paso del tiempo.Sus joyas de bisutería asomaban del joyero, para que las visitas, pudiesen admirar las viejas glorias, realmente patéticas, de lo que ella en su mente perdida, recordaba como, triunfos y admiración.
She was not conscious of the deterioration and the passage of time.
His jewels of trinkets were beginning to show of the jeweler, in order that the visits, they could admire the old glories, really pathetic, of what she in his lost mind, he remembered as, victories and admiration.
Era un viejo rincón de una vieja habitación, de la mente de una vieja gloria, a la que todos querían y mimaban.
Y este cuadro quiere recordarla.
It was an old corner of an old room, of the mind of an old glory, to which they all wanted and were spoiling.
And this picture wants to remember her.
Pardon for the English evil, and for not knowing like escrive (vicetiple or girl of magazine) girl of choir or artist