Everything began with the cage that I did as a test, I am charmed with to my friend.
Afterwards also one saw an auxiliary table that I did for an interchange, and also I like to him very much
He was not saying clearly anything but one saw that he would like to have something in miniature
Y juntando unas cosas de aquí y otras de allá salio esto, que le encanto.
todo esta hecho por mi, y en el cuadro aparece una ermita de su pueblo.
A mi me gusto tanto que estuve a punto de no dárselo.
And joining a few things of here and others of there salio this, which I am charmed with to him.
Quite this done for my, and in the picture there appears a hermitage of his people(village).
My I like so much that I was on the verge of not giving it to him(you,them).